15+ Years Wait For UK Settlement Over

Common Impact Story

My immigration journey with the home office has been a bumpy ride of over 15 years. I was granted a temporary leave to remain in 2009 but it was curtailed along the years with a series of rejected applications following with refusal letters of 28day notice to leave the UK, words are not enough to express the series of ordeal I and my family have suffered those years.

However, one thing for sure, we were steadfast in our lord, bringing the matter to the altar of the Lord in prayers. I remember approaching Pst Obi for prayer when I was overwhelmed with the whole issue, and after the prayers, it became apparent to me that God will do it for us.

Today, we are excited because the Lord has done it at the appointed time, and it is marvellous in our sight.

We held on to the hem of God’s garment and He didn't fail my family.

Our Lord Jesus Christ will never fail any member of this church who may be expecting their immigration miracle. God will do it miraculously for you as He did it for my family.

We are overwhelmed with joy and full of appreciation to the Almighty God whose mercy endures forever, Amen.

Church Of God Mission Int'l - Common Impact Centre

Church of God Mission International - Common Impact Centre. We are a local church in Dagenham, United Kingdom. We love God and exist so that all people can find new life in Christ. For more info about us or to plan a visit, please visit our website or connect with us on social media. We hope you are blessed and inspired.


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